When we got to the farm house, there were yellow labs running everywhere. They were so cute. I had my eye on a girl named Sissy, Garrett wanted a boy dog and fell in love with a puppy that could have cared less about us and wanted absolutely nothing to do with us. Sissy on the other hand was constantly jumping on our lap and tugging at my heart strings. After much discussion and Garrett quickly saying no to taking both puppies home, we decided on the shy little boy.

He slept the entire way home and from that day forward has become an intricate part of our family. Yogi is smart as a whip but as my mom says, "has quite a few quirks". I firmly believe that he has no idea that he is a puppy. He snuggles unlike any dog that I have ever met and brings a smile to my face every time I walk into house. He has a love for fruit roll ups just like me. Garrett and I often wonder how boring our life would be if we didn't have Yogi to entertain us.
Today he is three years old and we can't believe how fast time has gone. He is no longer the hyper puppy, he has grown into a trustworthy friend and we love him dearly.
Happy birthday to the best pal a girl could ask for!!

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