The Toay Story

Monday, July 23, 2012

You and me go fishin' in the dark

So we didn't really fish in the dark, but we did go fishing this weekend. We went back to Illinois to visit family and Garrett wanted to sneak a peek of our beans. We are going through a terrible drought and we were prepared for the worst but were happy to find that our beans weren't looking too bad. A few months ago, Garrett's parents and us decided to go in on a lot at a lake down the road from his parents house. His parents purchased a pontoon and we got to take it out on the lake this weekend.
As you can see Garrett thought he was pretty cool as the Captain of Ship. The land that we bought a few months ago has a pond on it. We were excited because it is beautiful but we weren't really sure if it was stocked or not. To our excitement, some friends of Garrett's parents informed us that they have been fishing there for years and there are indeed bass in there. I had tried fishing there the last time we were back but on that particular trip took Yogi to show him the pond and couldn't keep him out of the water. He scared any and all fish that day. So Garrett and I went down and fished Saturday afternoon and were able to catch a few blue gills and a bass. I am excited to go back and catch some more.
We had a great and relaxing weekend and are planning on spending a little bit longer here in a couple of weeks now that our Vegas trip has been postponed.

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