The Toay Story

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Halloween<- Part 1

Halloween is without a doubt my favorite holiday. I don't know what it is, but I love every single thing about it and my poor children have to endure my activities and costumes.

Here in Des Moines, we have the Blank Park Zoo. It's a small zoo and doesn't take long to go through but it is perfect for us. We are members and Augie enjoys going to the petting zoo and seeing the big animals as well. Every year they have Night Eyes, a Halloween event for kids. There aren't a lot of animals out but they have trick or treating and it is a cute event. We went last year and had fun even though he was way too little for it last year. This year we went with their cousins, Olive and Scout. Scout was the perfect age, as I believe she without a doubt had the most fun.

As for costumes this year, I am lucky to have an older sister that is very talented sewing as well as being very creative. Her kids were going as Ana and Elsa from Frozen and we jumped on their theme and Augie was Kristoff and Juniper was Olaf. They were all very cute.

That last photo was the best we could get of all the kids. Not bad for 4 kids 3 and under.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Juniper Wilson

Things have certainly changed in our household the last few months. Last November we found out we were expecting baby number 2. Augie was just 6 months old and we were definitely in shock. This would put the two of them not even 16 months apart. What in the world had we done?

After a fairly uneventful pregnancy, our princess arrived on July 30. Due to some blood pressure issues, we had weekly ultrasounds the last few weeks of the pregnancy. The doctors warned me that she might be a big baby. They thought the same thing with Augie and he was average size. Well she was bigger than Augie and weighed in at 8lbs 9 oz. She was perfect and we fell in love all over. After her first bath we discovered a hair full of blonde hair. The birth was just as easy as the pregnancy, 3.5 hours of labor and 1 push and she came screaming into the world. Big brother came to visit the day she was born and he is just too little to understand what's going on but has become such a great big brother.

Everyone had warned me how difficult having two under two would be. They were right it is trying at times, but it helps that Juniper is a very good baby and Augie for only being 1 is an independent little guy and can keep himself busy when I am feeding the baby.

I have also decided to stay at home with both kids. While I miss my work friends, it is so awesome being with them every day and getting to be there for every milestone. We have been having so much fun these last couple of months and can't wait to see what else is in store for us.

Now that I am home and Juniper is starting to sleep through the night, I hope to update the blog more frequently and show our crazy adventures.