The Toay Story

Monday, May 11, 2015

Mother's Day and Weekend Happenings

This weekend was as usual a whirlwind. My niece, Scout had a dance recital in Iowa City and we didn't think Augie could sit for 1-2 hours in a quiet manner so we made the decision that I would take Juniper with me to Iowa City and Garrett would keep Augie with him at home. They have never really had a day of just the two of them and while I knew it would be good for both of them, I hated to be 2 hours away. I know, I need to let go of the reigns a bit

Living History Farms had a special tractor day and our 2 year old tractor/truck obsessed boy had a ball. They called me after to tell me all about a combine ride that was the highlight. They then went and had lunch and looked at the Eagle's nest at Grays Lake and went to a Des Moines icon for ice cream, Snookies. I have lived in Des Moines for 10+ years and still have yet to go. I guess we will need to make a family trip there one of these days.

Junie and I had a great time in Iowa City. Scout was a superstar and so cute. We then went out to a late lunch/early dinner with the whole fam. It was a good day and Junie was so good. I was excited to see my boys when we got home though.

Last year we went to brunch at the zoo and I told Garrett I definitely wanted to do that again this year. I called and made the reservation and took the first seating at 9:45 as Augie gets a little hangry and didn't want to make him wait too long to eat. It was really good food and we were the first ones there so we got to go through the buffet without any lines. We were in and out pretty quick and then walked through the zoo. The kids and I are pretty frequent visitors to the zoo and Augie has so much fun every time we go. Junie was getting tired as it was right during morning nap time but was a trooper.

I thank my lucky stars every day for these two that call me momma. I waited for what seemed like forever to join this special club of parenthood and I love every day of it. There are plenty of times when they are naughty or drive me bonkers but then they give me that smile or kiss or hug and I forget all of those things and my heart swells. It is such a pleasure watching them learn and grow every day and I am so lucky to get to stay at home with them and experience so much of it. Thank you Garrett for working so hard to make that happen.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Easter.......a few weeks later

For Easter this year we went to Iowa City to celebrate with both of my sisters. We had lots of fun and I was a little worried having 2 kids under 2 staying in a hotel room. Juniper is a very light sleeper so that added to my concern. All in all, it was a great experience. I found a hotel in downtown Iowa City that had two rooms, which was a lifesaver as Juniper is an early riser and Augie isn't.

Iowa City has a great childrens museum at their mall so we did that Saturday morning and then we went and had naps at the hotel and then everyone came back downtown and we played on the playground and swam and then ordered Gumbys. I love me some pokey stix. I can blame my freshman 30 on them.

The Easter bunny found the kids at the hotel Sunday morning and then we went to my sisters house for an Easter egg hunt. After the hunt, we went to brunch at Mondos. It was really good. We had a late brunch that fell during the start of nap time and considering that, the kids did really well. After that it was time to say good bye and head back to central Iowa.

Sunday, May 3, 2015

Augies 2nd Birthday Party, Part 2

I had a million ideas of what I wanted to do for the party but when the day got here for getting ready for the party, I wasn't prepared to do it all with two toddlers underfoot. Thank goodness for my husband and family that helped me not only decorate and cook, but also helping watch the kids so I could do some things.

A lot of the items were toys we already had, others I made and some I bought. It was supposed to be a beautiful day so we decided to have it in our garage and allow the kids to play outside and it didn't disappoint, it was a little warm but awesome outside. We rented some tables and chairs and for the price, it was definitely worth the price having a place for everyone to sit and eat. We didn't really have any party games other than my dad making a kick ass pinata in the shape of Mr. Potato Head. The kids had lots of fun beating that.

You can't see it in the pictures and once the party started, I sucked at getting pictures of the details, but there are army parachute guys hanging from the ceiling. It was such a simple thing but turned out really cute. Costumes weren't required but some definitely took it to the next level, ahem, Grandpa and Grandma. They didn't let me know that they were going to do that and I about choked when they got out of the car dressed like that. It was priceless and the pictures of Augie and one of his favorite guys, Grandpa, melt my heart. I think its pretty safe to say that my Dad would do anything for his grandkids. And in my life, I can't remember very many times seeing my mom get dressed up in costume for anything, so that was definitely a shocker. Augie's outfit came from JC Penney's clearance rack and the little girls wore matching dresses made by my talented sister. It was a good looking group of kids.

I made a photobooth but it didn't get much use but turned out cute. I found a link from Pinterest with free Toy Story photobooth props and I glued them onto bamboo skewers.

Overall, I spent many hours of nap times and after the kids went to bed getting ready for the party. I loved every second of it and I think everyone had a good time, which is the main goal. I can't believe my little man is already 2 and getting to be so big. I love that guy more than anything and making his birthday memorable was worth every second. Junie just turned 9 months so that gives me 3 months to get ready for her 1st birthday party. How is that even possible?

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Augie's Second Birthday Bash......Part 1, The Food

Augie is obsessed with Toy Story or as he calls it, Buzz. For a while, we watched it several times a week and played with the hand me down action figures the cousins gave us. So when it came for a theme for his birthday, I knew without a doubt, we would do a Toy Story theme. In my search through Pinterest, there were so many cute ideas and had time and money not been an issue, I would have gone just as overboard as them. If you ask my husband, he will say that I definitely went way overboard with the planning, decorations, money etc. I think it's safe to say that we all had fun and it was well worth it. Although the husband has already said that we aren't doing a big party like that for Juniper's 1st birthday. I just smiled and nodded, knowing full well that won't be the case.

The food was pretty simple. I spent a majority of my time on decorations. We ordered pizza and breadstick and called it from Pizza Planet, had Lotso Strawberries and Dip, Wheezy's Cheese Dip, Big Al's Cheese Puffs, Hamms Bacon Wrapped Smokies, Mr and Mrs. Potato Head Chips. THen we had cake and I made cookies that we supposed to look like Jessie's hat but my sister informed me looked like boobies. I guess it was a pinterest fail.

The cake was made from Cache Bakery here in town. I spent way too much money on it but it turned out really cute and tasted amazing. As it turns out, Augie doesn't like frosting and it makes him puke. We have learned that the hard way, unfortunately more than once. So, during the blowing out of the candles, which is his favorite thing and had to do multiple times, he got a little close and landed in the cake. I was scared he would up chuck on the cake and we would have an American Funniest Home Video Moment, however, he managed to only gag a few times.