The Toay Story

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Keeping My Hands Busy

A while back, my sister, Libby, showed me a few items she had made out of felt making play food. I was hooked. I couldn't believe how cute it was and even though I don't really know what I am going to do with all of this fake food, I began purchasing patterns on

I am able to do this task while watching TV or riding in the car. I enjoy keeping my hands busy and when Garrett asks me what the heck I am going to do with all of this, I am able to answer that someday our kids will have a killer play room/kitchen.

Last Thanksgiving I told my mom that I would handle the kids table. When I thought about what I wanted to do, I thought about how cute it would be to do a place setting of felt food for each kid. Our usual kids table is only 3 kids, so I thought, piece of cake. This particular year, my cousin from Atlanta was up with her family including two more kids. So I spent many evenings sewing a cute set of Thanksgiving meals which included turkey, cranberry sauce, green beans, mashed potatoes and gravy, and of course pumpkin pie. That apparently wasn't enough because then I found a pattern for chair covers and made some cloth napkins and table runner. Here are some of the photos of the finished products.

I have a couple of storage containers full of felt food and I have a few ideas of future gifts for Scout. So I will continue to add photos of projects that I have done or are currently working on.

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